Odery Cafe Kit
Odery Cafe Kit
Odery drums are designed in Brazil and made for the drummer on the go who wants a portable kit that holds up on any stage. It's convenient to carry, easy to set up and sounds great!
Made of 100% basswood, with beautiful see-through new lugs, ergonomic hardware that is easy to handle.
It can be coupled with the expanded set to cover even more ground. The additional 20" kick can be added and the original 14' kick becomes the new floor tom while the original 12 x 06 tom becomes another rack tom.
Bass Drum: 14 x 11″(diam. x deep)
Snare: 12 x 5
Tom: 10 x 5.5
Tom: 12 x 6
Hardware: inRock Pedal P-702IR / inRock Hi hat Stand H-702IR / inRock Cymbal stand C-702IR / 02 tom holders with memories / 04 bass spur with memories / Pedal Adaptor / Snare clamp holder SCH.
If you are interested in getting this drum kit shipped to you, please contact us for a shipping quote to your location.